"How appropriate it is that we call forth the Baptized to assume positions of leadership and service provided for them by the Church herself" (Bishop Joseph Bambera, Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered). Might you have the gifts for servant leadership in our parish? Are you willing to plan with the Parish Pastoral Council, give budgetary advice on the Finance Council, or organize ministry of the Word, Worship, Community, or Service? Please express your interest on a nomination form.
The Parish Pastoral Council is a body of parishioner-representatives that serves in a consultative role to the pastor. Council members represent not specific groups within the parish but are in communication with and sensitive to the needs and concerns of parish members as a whole as well as staff recommendations. Parish Pastoral Council members strive to exercise Servant Leadership, discern the presence and action of the Spirit, and plan wisely for the parish.
The Parish Pastoral Council usually meets on the second Thursday evening of each month. The PPC operates with a Constitution and Bylaws modeled after documents recommended by the Diocese of Scranton.
Contact [email protected]
Our parish Finance Council advises the pastor and the Parish Pastoral Council in the administration and stewardship of parish finances, budget, facilities, and long-range financial development. The Finance Council assists the pastor in drawing up the annual parish budget and making budgetary projections for future years.
Contact [email protected]