In early 1941 twenty-six acres of land with an eight-room house were purchased near Montdale to establish Corpus Christi Parish. Ground-breaking took place on the Feast of the Ascension. A few weeks later, on June 9, 1942, Bishop William Hafey appointed the Rev Michael Polcha to be the new parish's first pastor. Over the next twenty-five years the parish gradually outgrew the original church and decided to build again. The new brick church was dedicated on July 27, 1969.
Following Father Polcha, the Reverends Andrew Lengel, Alexander Kulik, Albert Oldfield, Msgr Joseph Rauscher, Reverends Peter Crynes, Dwayne Gavitt, and William Flynn served as pastors of Corpus Christi Parish.
By early 1956 people in the Lenoxville area asked Bishop Jerome Hannan for a church to serve Catholics who at that time had to travel some distance for Mass. St Pius X Parish was established in 1967 and Reverend Leo Burns was named to be the first pastor. The parish's first wedding took place on April 1, 1967, and the first baptism was recorded on November 5, 1967. A small white frame church was built near Royal, followed later by a rectory built in 1969. Reverends John Ferguson, Peter Herhenreader, Joseph Sitko, and Msgr. Joseph Quinn also served as pastors of St Pius X Parish.
In 2008 Bishop Joseph Martino issued a Call to Holiness and Mission through which all parishes In the diocese assessed their mission and resources. With the rest of their Cluster parishes, Corpus Christi and St Pius X Parish proposed to consolidate. The diocesan implementation commission made that recommendation to Bishop Martino and he issued a directive to that effect. On September 19, 2009, St John Vianney Parish came into existence, covering the territories of both former parishes. Bishop Martino directed that Corpus Christi Church was the primary worship site, meaning that most Masses, the Easter Triduum, and sacramental rites are celebrated there. He allowed St Pius X Church to remain open as a secondary worship site, with one Mass there per weekend, to lessen travel for parishioners who live at the northern reaches of the parish.
Pastors since the two parishes consolidated as St John Vianney Parish have been the Reverends Daniel Toomey, James Shimsky, and Michael Kirwin, plus Rev. Albert Leonard served as Administrator for five months in 2010.
Several pastors had worked with Parish Councils at Corpus Christi Parish over the years but a Council was never established in St Pius X Parish. In May 2012, St John Vianney Parish organized a new Parish Pastoral Council according to diocesan guidelines. In the fall of 2013, the PPC began a pastoral planning process that involved a parish survey, data analysis, and writing goals and objectives. The first St John Vianney Parish pastoral plan was presented to parishioners in late winter, 2015.