This year's Harvest Festival is Sunday, October 6, noon to 5:00 p.m. at
Corpus Christi Church (704 Montdale Road). Preparations for the delicious dinner and fun booths have been underway for weeks.
Dinner includes roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, sauerkraut relish, cranberry sauce, rolls, pie, and beverages. If you don't already have tickets, you can purchase them at the door ($12 adult, $6 child). You can also buy 50/50 raffle tickets at the door.
After eating all that food, you'll want to walk around and see the booths. Be tempted by lovely Wreaths & Wall-Hangings, choose which Bountiful Baskets to take a chance on, and plan to eat again via the Dining Out raffle. Pick up something to take home from the Baked Goods Stand, and enjoy the music, too.
When you come for dinner, enter the church main door, stop at the table if you need to purchase tickets, and give your name and number of people in your group to the host or hostess. If the dining room is full, you can sit in the church until your party is called. T
here is elevator access to the Parish Center (lower level) where dinner is served and the booths are located.
If you prefer to take your dinner home, park in the parking lot and walk behind the church to the door where the line forms for take-outs. If you need to buy tickets, obtain them inside the main church doors before getting in line.