This week we pray for Martha Zilla, Jane Kornutiak, Mary Ford, Joe Smith, Julie Malinick, Liam Maloney, Cynthia Novak, Marie Manning, Anne Wesko, Richard Evans, Kyle Wanochick, Sadie Conway, Terri Benedict, Andrew Perechinsky, Sally Perechinsky, John Mann, and Dillon Latwinski.
In addition to praying general intercessions and naming the sick and recently deceased during the Universal Prayer (Prayer of Faithful) at Mass, you can make prayer requests of our Intercessory Prayer Chain ministry. Write your prayer requests in the journal book in the church entryway (temporarily removed during the pandemic), or contact Rosanne. We have twenty-five dedicated "links" in our prayer chain, people who pray daily for all requests received. Whether you use first name, initials, or full name, your request will remain confidential.