Our biggest event of the year takes place in the fall, usually the first Sunday of October. People come from far and wide to enjoy roast turkey and lots of trimmings. Booths with crafts and baked goods for sale, baskets and restaurant tickets to take chances on, and games to play add to the fun. Preparations begin months in advance and parishioners enjoy getting to know one another by cleaning the kitchen, making saurkraut relish, or peeling potatoes. Youth sign up form
The sun always shines on our summer barbeque. Besides delicious chicken and trimmings, you can enjoy music, booths, children's games, and other fun activities under tents at our Royal site. At the end of the day, we wait with great anticipation the results of a 50-50 raffle.
If you would like to volunteer during the BBQ or for preparation, tell the Ministry Coordinating Commission and include your name and phone number.
You don't have to hold your own garage sale, as we hold a giant rummage sale every summer, usually in June. Bulletin announcements, Facebook, and our website calendar will let you know when and where you can deliver "gently used" clothes, shoes, linens, dishes, small appliances, decorations, toys, books, small furniture, and more. We cannot accept TVs. If you have questions, please contact the chairperson.
Volunteers sort donations, work during the sale weekend, and/or help with clean-up after the sale. (Everything left from the sale is donated to other charities such as Friends of the Poor.) To volunteer for the Rummage Sale crew, contact the rummage sale chairperson and include your name and phone number.
Mark the next rummage sale date on your calendar so you can get some great buys.