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Time, talent, and treasure are valuable resources. Our parish tries to be good stewards of parishioners' time and talents; to take good care of our buildings, furnishings, and land; and to spend wisely all contributed funds.
Aiming to be good stewards of parishioners' gifts and talents, we try to provide opportunities to do what you do best. We have many different ministries that might use your skills and engage your interests. The CliftonStrengths assessment and a Living Your Strengths workshop will help you understand your God-given gifts. By using the CliftonStrengths assessment and, if you wish, also participating in a workshop, you can discover your true calling and how to use what you naturally do best. Knowledge you gain in the Living Your Strengths workshop can be applied to every area of your life, including ministry, relationships, and career.
To start discovering your strengths,
We hope that you not only know yourself better and gain confidence about your own gifts through Living Your Strengths, but that you will find your best role for shaping and energizing our parish. This workshop also helps our Councils and ministry teams recognize how the strengths of each team member can complement and enhance the strengths of those with whom they serve. Knowledge about strengths can lead to greater understanding, appreciation, and productivity within ministry and leadership teams.
In the meantime, you might wish to let us know what interests you via our Gifts and Talents Inventory. After filling out both sides of the inventory, drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office at 704 Montdale Rd, Scott Twp PA 18447. Someone will contact you about available opportunities.
Our parish has two "campuses" and six buildings. Corpus Christi Church, the parish office and daily chapel building, the rectory, and a storage shed are situated on twenty-six acres near Montdale. St Pius X Church and a house used for religious education and meetings are on a ten-acre plot near Royal. Each site also has a Marian shrine.
Our Buildings and Grounds Committee looks after our properties at both Montdale and Royal. This dedicated group of parishioners not only continually assesses our facilities, they themselves undertake many physical improvements and continually make repairs. The Buildings and Grounds Committee meets monthly with the pastor.
The parish Finance Council works with the pastor to plan how we can cover the costs of all the ministries and services, including our small and modestly paid staff, and expenses for our facilitiess. We budget carefully, putting your contributions to good use. We hope you will invest in our ongoing mission, which is a share in Jesus' mission, by donating generously to your parish.
For your convenience you can contribute to the parish online. Set up your profile and make contributions at e-Giving.
Traditional envelopes are available if you wish to make your offerings by cash or check.
You may also donate to the parish via PayPal, using your PayPal account or a credit or debit card. Please add a note if you which to specify a fund: Weekly/monthly offering, Dues, Parish needy, Fuel, Insurance, Holy Day offering, Easter flowers, Easter offering, Christmas flowers, Christmas offering, Food pantry, Capital campaign, or other designation,
When you plan charitable contributions, please include the Diocesan Annual Appeal. Gifts to the annual appeal support the Church's mission by providing food, shelter, and other assistance for those most in need; care for our retired bishops and priests and support for men in formation to become priests and deacons; education of young people in parish religious education programs and Catholic schools; services that renew and strengthen parish communities; and communication ministries that proclaim the message of the Gospel by informing and inspiring the diocesan faithful. At the Appeal website you can learn more about diocesan statistics and ministries, watch this year's video, and how to contribute. You can also donate online.